图1 PTA技术和单鞘逆转法的操作图。
图2 病人右前臂动静脉瘘的示意图
INTRODUCTION: Vascular access intervention therapy (VAIVT)is an essential interventionaltherapy in the field of hemodialysis therapy that allows for the long-term vascular access functionality to be maintained.The venous approach is often performed in VAIVT for arteriovenous fistula. When lesions are present on the upstream and downstream sides from the approach site, it is likely that two sheaths will be inserted from two facing punctures. However, we have adopted a one-sheath inverse method using a guidewire in such cases.
CASE PRESENTATION: We herein describe the steps of the technique that we have performed and report the successful treatment of a 77-year-old woman who developed arteriovenous fistula failure.
DISCUSSION: To the best of our knowledge, the concrete and detailed technique has not been reported in the English literature to date. The merit of the technique is that it allows VAIVT to be performed using one sheath with one approach site in cases in which lesions are present on the upstream and downstream sides from the approach site. The other benefits include pain reduction, a shortened operation time, and reduced costs. Because vascular access location is usually superficial, the technique can be utilized with relative ease.
CONCLUSION: A one-sheath inverse method is useful. We hope that the technique will be more widely recognized, allowing the technique to be applied to more cases.
1.在患者的右上肢消毒后,通过Seldinger技术在右前臂中部的头静脉中插入一个5 Fr × 3 cm的鞘管(Mosquito Sincere Catheter Introducer,包括一个导丝[直径 0.025 inch × 长度 50 cm],Boston Scientific Japan K. K., Tokyo, Japan)朝向吻合部位(见图1A)。
2.通过逆行血管造影,发现吻合部位0-4 cm处的静脉狭窄(见图1B)。KyoushaTM NT Peripheral Guidewire(直径0.018英寸;长度100 cm;Boston Scientific Japan K. K., Tokyo, Japan)和NSE PTA球囊导管GDM01(球囊直径4 mm;长度4 cm;额定爆破压力18 atm;Nipro corporation,Osaka,Japan)可以通过病变。在注射2000单位肝素并让其循环5分钟后,在4-18 atm的压力下将病变部位扩张几次,每次30秒,逆行血管造影显示狭窄改善(见图1C,D)。
3.随后,将治疗鞘管插入病变下游的部位。首先,通过顺行血管造影检测到肘中静脉的狭窄(长度约6 cm)(见图1E)。将扩张器和导丝穿入鞘管(见图1F),并将导丝放入静脉(见图1G)。接下来,将同轴扩张器/鞘管拉出并逐渐立起(见图1H,I),并将扩张器/鞘管的尖端稍微向下游侧倾斜(见图1J)。在保持这种状态的同时,将导丝的远端拉过扩张器的尖端,向下游侧倾斜,并导航(见图1K)。小心地将同轴扩张器/鞘管重新插入静脉,然后从鞘管中取出导丝和扩张器(见图1L,M)。
4.再次通过顺行血管造影确认肘中静脉的狭窄(见图1N)。导丝和球囊导管可以通过病变;然后我们在2-10 atm的压力下将病变部位扩张几次,每次30秒(见图1O)。血管造影显示狭窄改善(见图1P),取出鞘管并结束手术。
这是一篇发表于2018年12月12日,以CASE report的形式发表的文献。DSA引导下的翻鞘技术,导丝、鞘管、扩张器的巧妙配合在整个操作过程中势必重要。原文详细描述了整个操作过程,有利于读者重构这个操作过程。而在国内,我能查询到的相关信息显示,通路界同仁陆明晰医生早在2017年11月在知乎上发表了“左右出击,介入的翻鞘技术”一文,清晰、简洁地描述了这个操作过程,可读性更强。还好,文献原文中提及了这么一句“However, to the best of our knowledge, this concrete and detailed method has not beenreported in the English literature.(据我们所知,这种具体而详细的方法在英语文献中还没有报道)”。
文献:Takashima T, Nonaka Y, Nakashima Y, et al. A one-sheath inverse method in vascular access intervention therapy for hemodialysis patients. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019. 54: 95-98.